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Professor of the Video for Photographers course in partnership with Rodrigo Torres


Espaço f508 - Brasília (DF) - October and November 2019

8th LUMIAR - Inter-American University Film Festival

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Lecturer of the workshop “Video clip – audiovisual from music”.
October 2021

Exhibition of Cultural Diversity: Images of Popular Culture in the Jequitinhonha Valley

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Captura de Tela 2021-09-25 às 13.22.17.png

Module 4 Instructor - New Technologies for Video Editing and Sharing

of the Introduction to Audiovisual Course.

October 2021

Audiovisual Instructor for the Youth of Expression project

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Renato Russo Cultural Space - Brasília (DF) - 2019

September to December 2019
Morning class, workshop held in partnership with Ricardo Palito.

August to November 2019
Evening class, workshop held in partnership with Mauricio Chades.

Professor of the Video for Photographers course in partnership with Rodrigo Torres


Espaço f508 - Brasília (DF) - October and November 2019

Hi Kabum! School of Art and Technology | 2012, 2013 and 2014

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Video educator for audiovisual recording of the workshop "Data Murals",
conceived by researcher Rahul Bhargava,
from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Civic Media Center
March 2014

Video educator in the Booktrailer project for the Portugal Telecom Literature Prize | 2012, 2013 and 2014

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Captura de Tela 2014-07-10 às 00.21.52.png

October/November  2012, 2013 and 2014

Video Substitute Teacher - May/June/July 2012

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Captura de Tela 2014-07-10 às 00.24.06.png
Video Educator - TV FIT

Teacher (with Raquel Pinheiro) of the live image workshop for project teachers  TIM Arteducação

Marzagao, Sabará (MG) | March 2013

Professor of the video clip workshop of the 2nd Mostra Oficinema

Amparo(SP) |  October/2013
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Professor of video and animation at Instituto Ciranda da Arte

Itabirito (MG) | 2012

Teacher of Video, Video Clip, Animation and Documentary Workshops NGO Favela é Isso Aí

Belo Horizonte and metropolitan region | 2009 - 2011

Video Teacher at Gente de Ouro Program

Marzagao, Sabará (MG) | 2010


Monitor at the Trem da Vale Animation Workshop

Ouro Preto (MG), Mariana (MG) | 2010

Monitor at the Pixilation Workshop 10th Mostra Tiradentes

Tiradentes (MG) | 2007

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